Microbial diversity of hydrogen and methane-producing hyperalkaline springs from the Ronda massif (Spain)
amphi Séquoia - IFPEN - le 04/11 ; amphi IPGP - Jussieu les 05 et 06/11
M. Quemeneur
10:25 - 10:50 (25min)
Coffee break
10:50 - 11:15 (25min)
Investigating reduced and alkaline fluids degassing CH4-H2-He with high concentrations of volatile fatty acids in iron-rich Precambrian shield rocks of Northern Minnesota, USA
amphi Séquoia - IFPEN - le 04/11 ; amphi IPGP - Jussieu les 05 et 06/11
O. Sissmann
11:15 - 11:40 (25min)
The hydrogen system at sedimentary basin scale: numerical experimentation of thermo-hydro-chemical and biological couplings in a basin model
amphi Séquoia - IFPEN - le 04/11 ; amphi IPGP - Jussieu les 05 et 06/11
S. Pajang
11:40 - 12:05 (25min)
Numerical Simulation of Microbial Interactions in Two-Phase Flows H2O-H2 in Porous Media with DuMuX
amphi Séquoia - IFPEN - le 04/11 ; amphi IPGP - Jussieu les 05 et 06/11
M. El Ossmanni
12:05 - 12:30 (25min)
Molecular mechanisms of H2 gas adsorption in clays in the context of geological nuclear waste disposal: Insights from classical atomistic simulations
amphi Séquoia - IFPEN - le 04/11 ; amphi IPGP - Jussieu les 05 et 06/11
Behaviour of reservoir rocks under hydrostatic cyclic loading for hydrogen storage application
amphi Séquoia - IFPEN - le 04/11 ; amphi IPGP - Jussieu les 05 et 06/11
Z. Xu
10:25 - 10:50 (25min)
Coffee break
10:50 - 11:15 (25min)
Evidencing the influence of temperature and mineralogy on microbial competition for hydrogen consumption: Implications for underground hydrogen storage (UHS)
amphi Séquoia - IFPEN - le 04/11 ; amphi IPGP - Jussieu les 05 et 06/11